Welcome to Sensate Focus Touch
The online educational resource for sexual health practitioners interested in learning about the evidenced-based technique that forms the centerpiece of sex therapy and sexuality counseling.
What’s available:
- Live and asynchronous webinars on various aspects of Sensate Focus Touch
- Approved training and supervision for those seeking certification as a Sexuality Counselor or Sex Therapist through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT)
- Individual or group supervision
- Consultation for practitioners who want to further refine their use of Sensate Focus Touch
- Individualized programs in sexual health and Sensate Focus Touch for group practices and institutions
- Certification in Sensate Focus Touch
Whether you seek certification as a sex therapist or sexuality counselor, have an interest in a specialized program for your staff, or want to consult on a case, feel free to contact me at lindaweiner@sensatefocustouch.com to start the conversation.
Educational Offerings
- Educational video modeling Sensate Focus Touch instructions with live demonstrations
- Educational video modeling common client/patient roadblocks and suggested interventions
- Live as well as previously recorded webinars and presentations on Sensate Focus mindful and somatic touch, illustrating both its theoretical underpinnings and practical applications.
- All videos and webinars may be used toward fulfillment of the requirements for certification as Sexuality Counselors or Therapists by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT).
- Specialized supervision to support your professional growth and competency in using Sensate Focus with diverse sexual concerns and clients/patients. Supervision can count toward AASECT certification.
- Coming Soon! A Training Program leading to Certification in Sensate Focus Touch. Please contact me if you are interested in learning more.
Case Consultation
- Case Consultation for challenging client/patient situations
Individualized on-site or virtual Presentations
- Online and in-person sex education as well as individualized programs such as sex after cancer can be arranged.
Speaking Engagements:
- Bring sex pioneers, Masters and Johnson level expertise to your upcoming sex therapy or sexual health event. I can keynote or present for your group. Schedule an opportunity to hear my message about the importance of touch to mental and physical health and wellbeing.